Not to sound like a 5 year old, but I'm really excited about Christmas this year. Alot more that I usually am. I think the reason for this is there are no big hurdles standing in the way. There are no final crits, no bits of dissertation to submit, no bits of coursework. Nothing.
This has given me plenty of time to think about Christmas cards. I actually got the idea from a three year old who did the same thing but I've made it my own. It started with a drawing of a reindeer, which upon reflection looks a bit like a cow.
Then there was a hand print. Warm blue, warm yellow, warm red and a spot of burnt umber were my colours of choice.
And another... but without the burnt umber.
And then the whole thing had a trip though Photoshop and inDesign and I had that nice smug feeling I'd sent my cards off good and early.